

Not that I typically read 14th century Italian poetry. I like the idea of it, but have read little - and by a little, I mean the pieces of Inferno that I read in English 201, the night before it was to be discussed in class.

I'll come out with this shocking fact right away: I use a random number generator to decide what book I should read next. I love to read, and I read as much as I can. Which may or may not seem like a lot. I do have a day job... I've been hooked since grade school. And I don't think I'm snooty about it. Just because I mention grade school doesn't mean that I consider myself well-read. I just enjoy text.

From which stock does my random generator choose? From my own of course. I have laid up a store of some books - hunted from book-sales, used paper stores, glossy big box stores (as little as possible). What do I look for? As if I even understand why I pick up what I pick up: award list books, books by authors that I've liked, books by authors that I think I should like, books that I've heard are important, books that seem exotic, books from places that seem exotic... How do you choose books? I get lost in these places. And so, you might ask, why a random number generator? Because my shelves swell and swell, and left to myself faced with this feast I would starve for choice. Or get stuck in a rut. So, my random number generator selects the next book to read in what has become something of a ritualistic occurrence, and I ready myself for the trip...

At the most recent changing of trains, I was directed to Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, specifically the first division, which happens to be Inferno, and after 10 years, I'm back again reading 14th century Italian poetry (translated into 20th century English, of course) and have found myself pleasantly enthralled. No discussion in class tomorrow, no short essay questions. Just me and Dante and Virgil, and the nightmarish path downwards. I'm in the midst of the Seventh Circle of Hell at the moment, on the burning plain of the Second Round. Have you been there? I mean as a tourist, of course.

1 comment:

  1. Admirable that you will let the random generator choose. I'm too much of a mood reader. Wish I were more inclined to the genre's you prefer, Bjorn, your reviews are beautifully written.
